Have you ever paid attention to actually how much you are on your computer or phone? I know I am on mine WAY MORE than 8 hours a day since I do what I do. My eyes started feeling so dry and looking like I had a good night of partying…. very bloodshot. 😂 I believe I read somewhere that the older you gets, your eyes get more bloodshot… Just one more thing added to the list of “The shit that happens when you get old….” 🤣
Anyways… I’ve heard so much about blue blocking glasses and decided to do some research. Here is what I found out! We are surrounded by blue light from the sun every day. I guess our eyes can adjust to that. It’s what makes us all stay awake all day.. unless you’re me and need a 15 minute power nap in the afternoon. BUT….. since most everyone is on a computer all day long.. or a phone, we are all exposed to blue light to the extreme. A lot of times, too much blue light will make one’s eyes hurt and feel very dry. If you think about it, if blue light helps keep you awake during the day, what is it doing to you when you are on your iPad or phone all evening long? 😳
Blue Blocking Reading Glasses
So… lots of people I know swear by the blue blocking glasses for relief of dry, bloodshot, and plain tired eyes. I took a poll over on Instagram to see if anyone agrees. It was an overwhelming amount of people who LOVE them. Some people got the blue block added to their every day eye glasses so they don’t have to worry at all about it. I, however, wear reading glasses. Did you know there were blue blocking reading glasses? I had NO CLUE.
If you are thinking to yourself…”Ummmmm the last time I saw any type of protective eyewear, they looked like blue tinted swim goggles.” Well, I got you covered. I ordered this pair a few weeks back and they really seem to be doing the trick. (They are the ones in the picture above.) I am absolutely shocked at how little my eyes burn anymore after wearing them during the days I’m on my phone a lot. I’ve been wearing my regular readers if I’m just messing around. And I’ve been wearing the blue blockers when I work on the computer for long periods of time.
I think they are just as cute as can be! I rounded up several more pair that would do the trick and you won’t look like you are headed to the pool for a swim. Check them out!
Shop Blue Light Glasses
Kelly M says
Seriously, getting old stinks! When I was reading this I kept thinking of those old sun glasses “Blue Blockers!” Remember those?
Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea these existed for every day wear/reading glasses!
Danelle Harvey says
hahahah it does. And I had no idea either. BUT, these have helped my eyes so much.